My Brother-in-Law

Created by Marion 5 years ago
 My memories are many, especially when Bernard came to pick Maureen up from Washington Rd, he would first come to dinner in my little house under the stairs. ( I would have been about 8, little girls were little girls then) He would have dinner with me, the vegetables that were left over from lunchtime, I would make fresh gravy, with cold water, perhaps a few herbs for flavour, other m embers of the family would come to dinner and just re-arrange the food on their plate and say they were full up not Bernard he would scrape his plate out (never wanted seconds)  Their were times Maureen and Bernard took me out in his car, the children would rush out the houses, because they thought it was the Ice-cream man Bernard had the same musical horn.  Then in 1963 we use to type letters to each other, we had pet names he was Toots and I Daisy, I still have the letter from 1963 when he said he could type in black, red, and no colour at all (stencil setting). Then they married and I had 2 super Nephews, who Ron (my husband) would take out, then we had 2 boys Maureen and Bernard would take out for days, and then more recently we have been on holiday with them to the Isle of Wight, Weymouth, Lake district, so you seen my memories of Bernard are endless. God Bless Love Marion, Ron Mark Martin their wives and families x